torsdag 29 oktober 2009

Trying out new stuff: Yammer

As a part of the dev team at Business Vision you get to be a guinea pig for new services and software. I've been thinking a while about using twitter for internal communications instead of email.
However, some colleagues might not like the thought of everything they write being open for anyone to read, so I've entertained the thought of using some kind of internal twitter-service. I even considered writing a sharepoint web part.
Luckily I shared my plans with a co worker and he suggested using Yammer. That turned out to be really fortunate as I think Yammer is great. It has a great lightweight web UI and an optional desktop client. It keeps the simplicity of twitter while adding a few functions catering to more enterprisey users. For example the ability to create groups that you can restrict your messages (yams?) to.
The dev team is testing it right now. We will probably invite more people to join over the next few days so it's gonna be exciting to see how it is received.
(Pictured to the right is the Yammer desktop client)

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